The Benefits of Art-Based Fundraising for Schools

As a professional school photographer, I am often asked by principals for good fundraising ideas. Many schools are looking for fundraising ideas and sometimes ask their photographer for help. I’ve looked at many fundraising programmes and found that children’s art is a great way to raise money for your organization. People may not realise that fundraising is a task usually handled by parents. With my experience in the marketplace, I’ve seen countless fundraising ideas. When choosing a fundraiser, schools should decide whether to go with the tried-and-true approach to product sales or to look for new ideas.

Here are a few reasons why children’s art fundraisers are a great idea to raise money for your organization.

Unlike traditional fundraisers, there is no work for the parents!

Children’s art fundraisers don’t feel like work to parents. Parents are constantly being asked to sell something to raise money for their schools. What happens with most fundraisers is that the parents do all the work. Often, parents feel that they are “exhausted” or that they have too much work to do.

School fundraisers should not put children at risk.

At a fundraiser for children’s art, there is no danger to the children. Children are often asked to sell door to door. Children’s art fundraisers prevent students from selling door-to-door or selling to strangers. There are significantly more benefits to having an art-based fundraiser compared to a sales-based fundraiser.

Art-based fundraisers for schools boost kids’ confidence.

Art-based fundraisers allow children to express their creativity. An art-based PTA or school fundraiser encourages students to explore and express their imagination. In art-based fundraisers, every child is an artist, and every piece of art is a masterpiece. Many programmes produce each child’s artwork on a custom proof. This allows parents to see artwork by their children and purchase custom keepsakes made from artwork created by their own children. Children are shown that their artwork is worthy of display on a custom product. Even if parents don’t buy an item, these programmes allow kids to keep their custom proof. Traditional PTA or school fundraisers cannot provide this.

These are the reasons why art fundraisers for kids are such great fundraising ideas for schools; many parents don’t even realise it’s a fundraiser and the kids have fun doing it!